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Upcoming Markets
Come see us in person at the following local craft markets in 2025
April 19th - Petaluma Butter & Egg Festival
April 27th - Folsom Spring Arts & Crafts Fair
May 3rd - California Honey Festival
June 19th & 26th - Truckee Thursdays
July 11th, 24th, & 31st - Truckee Thursdays
July 14th - Lavender & Honey Festival
July 18th & 19th - Marysville Peach Festival
August 7th & 14th - Truckee Thursdays
September 18th - Auburn Fall Co-Op (Oktoberfest)
September 20th - Fair Oaks Chicken Festival
September 28th & 29th - Genoa Candy Dance Festival
October 18th & 19th - Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Festival
November 10th - Baidu Holiday Craft Fair
November 21st, 22nd & 23rd - Mountain Mandarin Festival
November 28th, 29th, & 30th - Country Christmas Fair
December 6th - Makers Market (Scottish Rites Center)
December 7th - Folsom Winter Arts & Crafts Fair
December 7th - Victorian Christmas
December 10th - Victorian Christmas
December 13th - Old Town Christmas
December 14th - Victorian Christmas
December 17th - Victorian Christmas
December 20th - Old Town Christmas
December 21st - Victorian Christmas
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